
Veneers are a type of crown that are generally placed on front teeth. Veneers can be used for a variety of different purposes. Whether you’re

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woman holding an Invisalign tray

Clear Aligners

Have you ever wanted to have straight teeth, but don’t want to go through the hassle of metal braces? Clear Aligners is a great option

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woman's white smile


If you think your teeth have darkened over time, bleaching your teeth is a great way to get that beautiful white smile back. We would

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Periodontal Therapy

Gum disease is a major cause of tooth loss. Periodontal therapy (gum infection therapy) is a careful cleaning of the root surfaces to remove plaque

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Diagram of a Root Canal

Root Canals

When a tooth becomes infected and we wish to save the tooth, a root canal will need to be performed. A root canal removes all

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Bridge vs. Implants

Teeth replacements have come a long way in the last 30 years. Missing or extracted teeth raise common concerns of infection, but the proper replacement

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Mouth Myths

Myth: A Harder Brush Is Better There are many types of toothbrushes to choose from, but the most important part of keeping your teeth and

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What are you considering using your tax return for this year? We have an idea! How about investing in the most important thing you can

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20 January 2016

Have you ever had a dental procedure done and then had a hard time figuring out what to eat afterwards? Sometimes the effects of the

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5 November 2015

Over the past few years we have been fortunate enough to watch our practice grow. We have added a few staff members and welcomed wonderful

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Bad Breath

Bad Breath

Having bad breath can be an embarrassing problem – especially if you are regularly face to face with other people. Known professionally as halitosis, bad

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How to Brush Your Teeth

How to Brush Your Teeth

Brushing your teeth is probably a standard part of your daily routine, but chances are you aren’t following the American Dental Association’s guidelines for cleaning

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